Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring is here! Finally!

The ice is out! And there are Black Ducks, Loons, waterbugs, and boaters on the lake!! Also, so many varieties of birds I can't keep up. Wish I hadn't left my binocularsin the motor home in South Carolina. Must get another pair to leave here.

Bought more yarn today to knit Alligator Scarves. It's acrylic so I'm not sure I will enjoy knitting with it. Will report when I finish the wool one I'm doing now.

Time to get dinner! Have a nice day (or evening).

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Almost Ice Out

This is the view I had out our front door this morning when I got up. It almost looks like a "water path to nowhere" in the midst of the ice still on the lake.

A short while later I caught sight of our neighbor who just couldn't wait for the ice to leave before climbing into his kayak for a cruise through what water he could find.

Later in the day this was the view looking left from the dock. The branch laying in the water is where the beavers built a lodge last summer. Just before sunset the lake was pretty much open water with some patches of pock-marked ice that should all be gone in the morning. Has been an interesting day watching it go.

Latest knitting project is Alligator (crocodile) Scarfs for an auction at the Clockedile family reunion. For obvious reasons anything "crocodile" is quite popular at the auction. The one pictured is about 1/3 done with leftover yarn from another project. Lots of fun to knit. Using Swallow Pearl needles. I think I will try them in a variety of colors as shown on the Morehouse Farm pattern that I am using.

Have a great day!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Word Pictures

No photos today - just word pictures! This morning we drove to our house on the coast that is under contract (yea!) to do some pitching and packing. Our lake looked much as it did in yesterday's picture as we left. As we drove by one of the lakes on the way (Crystal Lake) it looked pretty much the same, too, but more gray than white (the ice was thinner). On our way home in the afternoon we saw that Crystal Lake was open blue water! With just a wee bit of ice in the middle. We were encouraged to think that Coffee Pond (our lake) would be the same, but alas, as we approached we saw ice! But not thick white ice - it was thinning to gray with open rivulets in many places. I took a chair to the front lawn and sat there with a book reading and waiting for the ice to "go out".
The sun was moving around to my back and shining on the trees across the lake. It is only April in Maine so the leaves aren't out yet, but as I looked at the bare trees I could see in the sunlight hints of green, red, and yellow on those bare branches. That brought back memories of my childhood (100 years ago) when my father told me how when the buds first come in the spring they pop out showing pale shades of the colors they will wear in the fall. It is really true. The first thing to appear on the maples that are such a vivid red in the fall are the pesky little red things that litter the walks when they fall in the spring as the leaves begin to grow and uncurl. And the birch that turn only to a yellowy green before dying in the fall have a very delicate green cast to them now. And have you ever noticed that the beech trees still have last year's leaves on in the spring? Also some oaks.
As I pondered the colors of the trees the wind began to grow cold and the temps dropped into the 50's. I knew I should go in so sat in the bow window still waiting for the ice to go. It grew dark before the ice went so I am praying that it gets cold enough tonight that it will still be there when I wake. There is nothing quite like watching the ice "go out".
Several years ago, before we built our "year-round" house here I sat on the porch of the old camp bundled in blankets, while the wind swirled around me, for a whole day and finally saw the ice go out! For years before that I had tried to be here at just the right time, but when you live "someplace else" it is a hard thing to do. Just another "perk" of retirement!
Bye for now and have a great day!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring at Last!

Today has been a wonderful day! The temp. reached 76 degrees! And you can see from the picture of Sterl working in the garden that there is still ice on most of the lake in the background.

We still have a pile of snow over 3' high at the end of the driveway. Went looking for ice cream but none of the stands are open yet. So we looked at new dock materials instead. Doesn't taste nearly as good, but lasts longer!

Since it was so nice I decided it would be a good time to photograph some projects out in the yard. First is the Jamaica Pouch from the One Skein Wonders book from 2006. It was designed by my daughter and I've meant to knit it for a while, now, and finally got to it. Katia Jamaica.

Next is the pair of socks with yarn (River Bed) and needles from Knitpicks. I'm knitting both together on 1 long (40") needle. Have only knit about 3" of leg so far. Must get busy. The yarn is soft, the needle a pleasure, and so far I haven't had a problem with tangling the 2 skeins.

Now it's time to get dinner so must leave you. Have a great day!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Catching Up

Have I really not written since March 28th? Doesn't seem that long, but a lot has happened in that time.

I am working on a pair of socks knitting both socks on one 40-inch needle. I'm really enjoying it - especially since I am using a lovely laminated birch needle from knitpicks . Don't have pictures right now, but the yarn is also from knitpicks and is a very nice feel in the hand. It is called Riverbed and that's just what it looks like as it knits up.

Our son & DIL had an explosion at their house a couple of nights ago that woke them in the middle of the night. It was in their gas fireplace stove that is part of their heat for the house. It didn't start a fire but it did cover everything in the house (except for granddaughter's room which had curtains hanging in the doorway) with a thick coat of soot. They are living for the next week in a hotel suite while the pros clean EVERYTHING from top to bottom and stem to stern. The positive side (for which we praise the LORD, is that noone was hurt and the house is still there. Also, that insurance paid to clean everything. Can you imagine having to clean greasy soot from everything in your house? It happened to us once when our son (an daughter) were young. We, too, were grateful for insurance to let the pros do the dirty work.

Took granddaughter to the Childrens' Museum last week. We knew how to get to the street but not the parking lot, building, or door. The 3-yr-old gave us perfect directions for everything.

Spent Wednesday afternoon doing beading with the 12-yr-old I mentor through The Root Cellar in Portland (ME). She loves to bead and her eye for design is really good! She's very capable with the pliers and other tools, as well. She made a beautiful necklace and several pairs of earrings. She gives away most of what she makes to sisters, mom, aunts, friends, but this week she kept the necklace and 2 pr of earrings for herself.

I'll include pictures of socks and jewelry in next post.