Monday, December 8, 2008

Where has the time gone?

I haven't posted since May!! Life has been good in the meantime. We sold our home in Yarmouth - I guess we really sold our "house", because our "home" is here with us in Casco on the lake. It will soon be on the road in our motor "home". We are leaving for Florida, by way of Myrtle Beach and all of our friends in that area, on the first or second of January.

After closing on our Yarmouth house we left for the south (May 11th) visiting friends along the way, and spent 3 days with friends in Arcadia, FL where we will spend the winter - or, at least, most of it. We may meet our daughter who lives in Tucson "somewhere" in between, "sometime" in the winter for "some time".

We spent the summer on the lake and had quite a bit of company. Frequently on the weekends our son, dau-in-law, & granddaughter would come and stay. Our granddaughter is 3-years-old and loves to fish from the dock or from Grandpa's boat. She caught more fish over the summer than her father and nearly as many as Grandpa who was at the lake all the time.

The fall saw me taking part in several Christmas Fairs. This is new to me. I have always gone as a "buyer" before. I'm learning that all fairs are not created equal, and how to discern which are worth doing and which are not. I make jewelry. I started with watches, some of which I showed on the blog m-o-n-t-h-s ago, but have now branches out and make watches, bracelets of several varieties, anklets, necklaces (again, of several varieties) , rings, earrings, wine glass charms, knitting stitch markers, bands that can be interchanged with others on watches and on Medic Alert bracelets.

Next time I blog I will do so from my husband's computer where I have stored many pictures of pieces I have made. Most of what I have made is costume jewelry, but very attractive. Now I am beginning to use a lot more Sterling Silver, 14K gold-filled, and Vermeil (Sterling Silver that is heavily electroplated with gold). I am also using a lot of Swarvoski Crystals.

Also in early October I had surgery on my left thumb (I am left-handed). I never can remember what it is called, but today I had my last appt. until May or June with both the surgeon and the therapist. I have to continue wearing a splint most of the time until I see them next. This limits what I can do, but does not eliminate making jewelry. In fact, up to a point it is good therapy. I've had lots of instruction on active vs passive motion. I had the same surgery on the right thumb 3 years ago and the recovery time was 18 months. This one feels like it might be shorter.

Well, it's time to put up the Christmas decorations so will sign off for now.